Experience the Power of Peptide Therapy at Better Way Wellness

Are you looking to enhance your energy, cognitive function, or sexual health? Discover the incredible benefits of peptide therapy and how it can boost your overall well-being.

Unlocking the Potential of Peptide Therapy

Did you know that peptides have been used in medicine for decades, starting with insulin therapy in the 1920s? While their therapeutic applications have been known for some time, we are now just scratching the surface of their full potential.

Peptide therapy is revolutionizing the treatment of various diseases and supporting health optimization and vitality as we age.

What is Peptide Therapy?

Peptide therapy offers a promising approach to treating a wide range of conditions and diseases. Peptides are naturally occurring chains of amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. They play essential roles in numerous biological processes within the body’s cells and tissues.
Peptides can stimulate the production of hormones, enzymes, and other substances, as well as block the action of certain proteins. Also known as bioregulatory medicine or regenerative medicine, peptide therapy shows great promise in addressing conditions such as autoimmune diseases, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, obesity, neurodegenerative diseases, and more.

The Benefits of Peptide Therapy

Peptide Therapy for Weight Management

If you’re looking to manage your weight effectively, peptide therapy can be a valuable tool. Peptides regulate metabolism and appetite, helping to decrease body fat and increase lean muscle mass. It also improves insulin sensitivity, supporting the prevention of type 2 diabetes.


Peptide Therapy for Sexual Health

A fulfilling and satisfying sex life is crucial to overall well-being. Peptide therapy can enhance sexual function by increasing sex drive, improving erectile function, and boosting sexual stamina. It can also address conditions that contribute to sexual dysfunction, such as premature ejaculation, hypoactive sexual desire disorder, low testosterone levels, and erectile dysfunction.

Peptide Therapy for Peak Performance

Achieve peak performance in various aspects of your life with peptide therapy. By enhancing the body’s natural production of key hormones and neurotransmitters, it promotes energy regulation, mood balance, and motivation. It also supports healthy adrenal function, aids in stress management, optimizes nutrient absorption, and promotes restorative sleep patterns.

Peptide Therapy for Cognitive Function

Peptide therapy utilizes natural peptides to improve cognitive function. It can benefit individuals with Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, cognitive disorders, or those recovering from a stroke or brain injury.

Peptide Therapy for Anti-Aging

Combat the effects of aging with peptide therapy. It stimulates the production of collagen, elastin, and other proteins that contribute to skin elasticity, hydration, and overall health. Peptides like GHK-Cu and matrixyl reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, improve skin texture, and promote tissue regeneration.

Peptide Therapy for Energy

Boost your energy levels with peptide therapy by providing the body with essential building blocks for energy production. It enhances energy efficiency, reduces fatigue, and increases stamina, enabling you to maintain higher levels of energy for longer periods.

Think you may be a candidate for aesthetic medicine treatments?

Peptide Therapy for Immunity

Support your immune system with peptide therapy. By stimulating the production of immune cells, it strengthens your body’s defense against pathogens and reduces the risk of infections and illnesses. Peptides also help reduce inflammation, improving overall health and reducing the likelihood of chronic conditions.

Get Started with Peptide Therapy at Better Way Wellness

If you’re seeking effective treatment options for chronic illnesses or conditions, peptide therapy may be the answer. Peptides can restore normal cell signaling and promote healing. They can be administered orally, through injections, or topically, and are generally well-tolerated with minimal side effects.
At Better Way Wellness in Corpus Christi, Texas, we offer peptide therapy to help you optimize your health and well-being. Consult with our qualified healthcare


Creams and Gels

If you're looking for a hormone therapy that's simple to use and discreet, creams and gels could be a good option for you. At Better Way Wellness in Corpus Christi Texas, we offer hormone therapy creams and gels that are specifically formulated to provide consistent and effective relief for hormone imbalances....
One of the advantages of creams and gels is that they are easy to apply. However, it's important to note that this delivery method also comes with some risks. Hormone creams and gels may transfer from one person to another through contact with the area where the cream was applied. This could expose kids, pets, and partners to the therapy and impact their health. Additionally, creams and gels require application one to two times daily, and missing a dose could impact the effectiveness of the treatment. It can also be difficult to measure each dose and ensure that the exact amount is absorbed into the skin, further impacting consistent and effective relief. At Better Way Wellness in Corpus Christi Texas, our experienced healthcare professionals can help you determine if creams and gels are the right choice for your hormone therapy needs. We offer personalized treatment plans and ongoing support to ensure that you achieve optimal health and wellness. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.



Pills are a convenient and precise way to receive hormone therapy at Better Way Wellness. With easy-to-take pills, you can ensure that you receive the exact dosage of hormones that you need to achieve relief from symptoms related to hormone imbalance. One of the primary benefits of pills is their portability. You can take ...
your prescription with you wherever you go, without needing to worry about storage or application. Additionally, pills don't require any special storage conditions, making them an ideal option for busy lifestyles. Another advantage of hormone therapy via pills is that they offer precise dosing. With Better Way Wellness in Corpus Christi Texas, you can rest assured that you're receiving the exact amount of hormones that you need to achieve symptom relief. This can be especially important for those who are sensitive to hormonal changes and need to receive very specific amounts of hormones. While pills do have to compete with the harsh environment of the gut, most are designed to be effectively absorbed as they travel through your digestive tract. However, it's still important to take your pills as prescribed by your healthcare provider to ensure optimal effectiveness. At Better Way Wellness in Corpus Christi Texas, we can work with you to determine the best hormone therapy delivery method for your unique needs and preferences. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about our hormone therapy options.



Hormone replacement therapy with patches offers some advantages over other delivery methods. At Better Way Wellness in Corpus Christi Texas, we believe it's important to understand the benefits and potential drawbacks of each delivery method to help you make an informed decision about your hormone replacement... therapy.
One of the advantages of using patches is the convenience of “set it and forget it” dosing. You simply apply the patch to your skin andit continuously releases the hormone over time, usually for three to four days, depending on the prescription. This makes it easy to maintain a steady level of hormone in your body without the need for frequent dosing or application. Another advantage of using patches is the precise dosing. Patches are designed to deliver a specific dose of hormone, ensuring that you receive the correct amount every time. This eliminates the need to measure or estimate dosages, reducing the risk of over- or under-dosing. In addition, using patches can minimize the risk of exposing others to your therapy. Unlike creams and gels that can transfer to other people through contact, patches remain attached to your skin and do not rub off easily. This reduces the risk of exposing your family members, pets, or partners to your therapy. However, it's important to note that patches do have some drawbacks. For example, they may only be placed on certain areas of the body that are not always discreet in certain clothing. Patches can also be bulky and may not adhere well when coming in contact with water or certain fabrics. If a patch falls partially or completely off, your treatment will be impacted. Overall, hormone replacement therapy with patches can be a convenient and effective option for many individuals. At Better Way Wellness in Corpus Christi Texas, we work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that meets your unique needs and preferences. Contact us today to learn more about hormone replacement therapy with patches and to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced healthcare providers.



Injections may be the right choice for you when it comes to testosterone therapy. Better Way Wellness offers injections as an effective and popular method of hormone therapy. With injections, the hormone enters your bloodstream directly, making the absorption process highly effective. The direct injection method also avoids ...
the unpredictability of other delivery methods such as pills, creams, and gels. However, it’s important to note that injections must be administered every 7 to 10 days and missing a dose or delaying it can impact the effectiveness of the treatment. Additionally, injections can cause discomfort, inflammation, bruising, bleeding, or pain at the injection site. At Better Way Wellness in Corpus Christi Texas, we provide a personalized approach to hormone therapy and will work with you to determine if injections are the best option for your unique needs and goals. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve optimal hormone balance.



Pellets have become increasingly popular as a preferred method of hormone replacement therapy. Better Way Wellness offers this convenient method of delivery in Corpus Christi, Texas.
Pellets offer a level of convenience that is unmatched by other methods. During a short medical visit, pellets are placed under the...
skin and deliver a steady dose of hormone for 3 to 6 months, tailored to your level of cardiac output, gender, and dose. This eliminates the need to remember to apply creams, take pills, or deal with painful injections. Another advantage of pellets is that they most closely mimic the body's natural secretion of hormones. By delivering timely and steady dosing, they can optimize your body's natural function. This consistency in dosing also avoids the rollercoaster effect commonly seen with injections. Visit Better Way Wellness in Corpus Christi, Texas to learn more about the benefits of hormone pellets and whether they are the right choice for your hormone therapy needs.

Experience Hormone Replacement Therapy at Better Way Wellness

Experience Balance at Better Way Wellness
If you suspect that you have a hormone imbalance, don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation with the highly trained experts at Better Way Wellness. Our practitioners are well-versed in hormone health and balance, and they specialize in the innovative Better Way Pellet Method.

Founded by Dr. Terri DeNeui, the Better Way Pellet Method was created to reduce the most common side effects associated with pellet therapy. Dr. DeNeui’s innovative method targets inflammation, pain, and scar tissue at the insertion site, resulting in a more comfortable and effective treatment experience.

By placing the pellet strategically, the Better Way Pellet Method ensures that you receive a steady dose of hormones throughout the entire treatment cycle.

Don’t let hormone imbalance symptoms continue to negatively impact your life. Schedule an appointment today with Better Way Wellness in Corpus Christi, Texas to discover the benefits of the Better Way Pellet Method and take control of your health and wellness.