Our Services in Corpus Christi, Texas

Welcome to Better Way Wellness in South Texas

At Better Way Wellness in Corpus Christi, Texas, we offer a comprehensive range of services designed to help you achieve optimal health and wellness. Our expert practitioners are dedicated to providing personalized care and support to meet your unique needs. Explore our services below to discover how we can help you live your best life.

Hormone Therapy in Corpus Christi

For Women and Men

Hormonal imbalances can significantly impact your health and quality of life. Our hormone replacement therapy (HRT) options, including natural testosterone and estrogen pellet therapy, are tailored to restore balance and alleviate symptoms such as weight gain, low energy, mood swings, and sexual dysfunction.

Pellet Therapy

Experience the convenience and effectiveness of pellet therapy, which provides a steady dose of hormones for several months, mimicking the body’s natural secretion pathways

Functional Medicine in South Texas

Metabolic Code

Take a scientific approach to health with the Metabolic Code®, which assesses your body’s interconnected systems to create a personalized plan for achieving total body health and weight loss.

IV Therapy

Boost your health with intravenous infusions of antioxidants, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. Our specialized blends, including Myers’ Cocktail and Immune Boost, support immunity, energy levels, and overall well-being.

Peptide Therapy

Enhance your energy, cognitive function, and sexual health with peptide therapy. This innovative treatment uses natural compounds to support anti-aging, athletic performance, and more.

Regenerative Medicine in Corpus Christi

Acoustic Wave Therapy

Non-invasive treatment using sound waves to promote healing for conditions such as erectile dysfunction, chronic pain, and cellulite.

PRP and Exosomes

Cellular-based therapies using platelet-rich plasma and exosomes to stimulate regeneration and repair damaged tissues.

Nutraceuticals in Corpus Christi, Texas

ADK 5/10

Support bone and cardiovascular health with our balanced formulation of vitamins A, D3, and K2, which optimize calcium absorption and promote overall wellness.

Active Probiotic ND 50

Maintain a healthy gut microbiome with our ACTIVE ND Probiotic, which supports digestion, immune function, and overall health.

B Complex

Boost your energy levels and support brain health with our comprehensive B Complex supplement, containing eight essential B vitamins and support nutrients.

DIM 150

Optimize estrogen and testosterone metabolism with DIM, a natural compound found in cruciferous vegetables, which supports hormonal balance and overall health.

Evexipel Sleep

Improve your sleep cycles and mood with our specialized sleep formula, designed to help you fall asleep, stay asleep, and wake up feeling refreshed.

GI Guard

Optimize your gastrointestinal health with GI Guard, which supports a balanced microbial environment, gut health, and proper immune function.